Three Ways to Tithe and Give to RSC/Missions

Checks or Bank Bill Pay

Make checks payable to Renewed Strength Church.
Our mailing address is:
Renewed Strength Church
P.O. Box 88
Westville, OH 43083

Giving Online

You can safely give using our online partner easyTithe. Click on the link below:

Giving in Person

Place in offering plate during Sunday services

  1. Make checks payable to Renewed Strength Church.

  2. Place in a sealed envelope.

  3. Drop off the envelope in the office during office hours (M/W/F 1 pm -5 pm).

  4. The envelope will be given to RSC Treasurer - Keith Rooney.

If payment is for other than your regular tithe, please note what fund the payment is going to (and include if there are specific missionaries).